Women-hunters in pursuit of happiness are ready for any tricks. Men are free to choose the lady of their hearts, sometimes this choice is obvious, and sometimes it is misleading. Good guys don't roll around on the road, so rivals start courting already "busy" princes. What should you do when they are trying to take the chosen one out from under your nose? One thing remains - to be better in all respects. Here are collected both honest and not very methods - in love and in war, all means are good.

- - a list of harmful advice "How to get rid of a rival";
- - skills in "anger management";
- - a huge suitcase of outfits and cosmetics.
Step 1
Find out all about the "thief" of your peace of mind. Who she is, what she does, what she loves, what she doesn't like, what she can and what she doesn't. Ask your friends to help you, as a sign of female solidarity, best friends will not refuse you a service. Study the finished dossier up and down - you need to know the enemy by sight.
Step 2
Remain calm, even though it is physically difficult and too easy to ask for. But this state can curb your jealousy, and, as a result, stop the impending scandal. If you give your beloved a debriefing, it is obvious that he will not like it, it is easier to run away somewhere, and most likely it will be the one who is less hysterical.
Step 3
Do not put a man in front of a choice: either me or her. Now he still will not answer, and you will languish in ignorance and painful anticipation. Don't drive him into a dead end. Situations are different, it is one thing if you are a married couple, and a certain person is trying to destroy your relationship, another thing if you are just dating, and the guy makes a choice. In the first case, you protect the family, but the ultimatum is able to destroy it, in the second, the stronger sex will not even think about choosing at the slightest reproach or whining.
Step 4
Prove to the young man that you are a cheerful, positive, loving girl. Maintain your presence of mind, even if you feel like crying with resentment. Let the man be easy and fun with you. Make him trust you.
Step 5
Now - slightly different methods. You all know about your rival, so use this: • surprise your chosen one with excellent culinary masterpieces;
• show attention to his problems;
• show that you are a neat housewife;
• communicate with his friends, enter into their trust;
• praise the man, but not often;
• focus on what the opponent is weak in.
Step 6
Men love with their eyes. Perhaps this is the trick of the new passion of a loved one. Passion fades over time, so why don't you throw some firewood? Examine yourself critically and think about what can be changed: what flaws to hide, and highlight the highlights. Change your clothing style, hair color. Don't be afraid to change and have fun. Inspire him to love games, drive him crazy, flirt.
Step 7
If you know for sure that your boyfriend is dating another girl behind your back, despite the fact that this person is your mutual acquaintance, the best way to cool off your ardor is slander. Let it be unfair, but effective. Having encountered her while walking with your beloved, start talking about what you saw her recently with Petya, Vasya, Kolya (it doesn't matter). What a wonderful couple they are, how glad you are that she again continued her previous romance, and so on. Let your loved one know that she is imperfect in terms of fidelity. Above all, lie convincingly and innocently.