By creating a family, people believe that they will live happily ever after. But you need to work on creating harmonious relationships. Modern men often do not behave quite right and this gradually kills romantic feelings in their women.

In order for love in a couple to only become stronger over time, you need to build the right line of behavior. It is generally accepted that almost everything depends on the woman, but this opinion is erroneous. Both partners are responsible for maintaining the marriage. Sometimes men commit acts that can destroy the tender feelings of a partner and lead to the fact that once close people become enemies. Psychologists have identified the main problems that destroy passion and love.
Lack of attention
Lack of attention on the part of a man oppresses women, makes them consider themselves not very necessary. When the wife does not see any actions from the partner, she can explain this in different ways. Sometimes there are thoughts about the infidelity of the second half. Worried about the lack of attention, women lose the desire to do something for their family. This happens gradually. At first, the reaction may be the opposite. Many wives, not understanding what is happening, begin to take the initiative. They pamper their beloved men with delicious dishes, try to surprise them more often. Not finding a response, gradually the fuse disappears and love fades away.
In order to prevent the disintegration of the family, you need to show the chosen ones more often that they are still interesting. Small courtesies are best done on a daily basis rather than just occasionally. Even after a hard day's work, you can find a few minutes to just hug your wife and be with her.
Rudeness and insults can kill love in a woman in a very short period of time. Often men, having lived with their spouse for several years in marriage, allow themselves such things that at the beginning of the relationship it was impossible to even think about. Conflicts between spouses happen and this is completely normal. But in order to maintain love, you need to learn how to get out of these difficult situations correctly and think about your words and actions during quarrels. Nothing kills love more than offensive and demeaning phrases. They hurt a lot. Even after one such scandal, the wife can leave forever. If reconciliation occurs, usually the situations are repeated over and over again and this necessarily leads to divorce.
Criticism and lack of praise
Constant criticism erodes relationships. Men should take note of this. You do not need to reproach your wife, regularly express your dissatisfaction with her. Even constructive criticism can ruin a relationship if you hear it very often.

Talking with your wife about not very pleasant things and expressing your wishes to her should be done in a calm tone. Psychologists advise raising only such issues that seem especially important to a man. Constantly "sawing" the chosen one because of improperly laid out things or, for example, the habit of adding little salt to food is not necessary. Such claims can only be made in a humorous and benevolent manner.
Women, like men, are very fond of praise. In her absence, feelings gradually cool down, the desire to do something pleasant for her beloved disappears. To preserve the family, you need not to scold your wife, not to find fault with her over trifles, but to praise more often.
Comparison with other women and infidelity
Comparison with other women can hurt. If a man often compares his spouse to more successful, beautiful, neat relatives or girlfriends, this behavior can destroy the tender relationship. It can lower the spouse's self-esteem and make family life unbearable. Often, wives start copying their husbands and comparing them to more successful bosses, handsome friends. Men in this situation are very offended, but they do not always understand that this is just a response to their inappropriate jokes and nagging.
Male infidelity or regular flirting on the side can also kill love. In this case, wives decide to divorce much faster. But there are situations when such marriages exist for years. The deceived spouse does not dare to leave because she loves or for some other reason. But gradually love goes away.

Unwillingness to give in
Some psychologists are sure that love is eaten not by major scandals and controversies, but by little things. Lack of attention to trifles, the habit of doing everything in your own way and not taking into account the opinion of your partner - all this inevitably leads to a crisis in the relationship. If a spouse asks to do something, but her requests are ignored, or she constantly talks about what her husband should not do, but her words are not heard, this leads to dissatisfaction. A woman begins to think that she is not considered, her opinion is not important.
In this case, several scenarios are possible. If the wife is impulsive and straightforward, she will express her claims and the conflict will be extinguished, provided the spouse responds correctly. Often women avoid violent showdowns. They accumulate negative emotions in themselves, there is a feeling of uselessness. In the family, everything can be calm on the outside, but such internal tension leads to the fact that love passes and the family eventually falls apart.