Recently, fashion trends regarding relationships with people of the same sex affect not only those who are genetically predisposed to such behavior. Absolutely normal men enter into an unconventional relationship only in order to understand what it is - homosexuality.

The husband cheated on the man. What to do?
It is quite difficult to calculate the connection between a husband and another man. You can find out about this only if the faithful tells about her himself or you find lovers in bed. There are usually no other signs of treason. Men, even gay men, are less emotional than women. They will not write frank text messages to your spouse, they will not call in the middle of the night and sort things out. They behave like friends, without arousing any suspicion for a long time. Communication can last for years, completely invisible to the family.
The term "homosexuality" was first used in 1869 by the Austrian writer Karl Maria Kertbeni. Later, it was used in the work of the German sexologist Magnus Hirschveld. The term came to Russia in the twentieth century.
But over time, a man may get tired of hiding from loved ones. In this case, he decides to be recognized. And he tells his wife that he had a relationship with a gay. If such words are said, you can be sure that the man is no longer going to hide his inclinations. Most likely, he will not insist on a divorce. Since many homosexuals prefer to have a family. They love their children, and the status of a married man increases the chances of getting a good job, a new position, etc. They stay with their wife because it is so convenient for them. At the same time, he no longer hides his non-standard sexual desires. In this case, a woman has two options - she can live with her husband further, creating the appearance of a strong family. Or leave him and find a man for whom the institution of traditional marriage is valuable.
In many European countries, homosexuality is not considered a deviation from the norm. Marriages between men are officially allowed there, they can adopt and raise children. They are trying to instill universal tolerance in the population of the countries.
Needless to say to kids that dad is gay
The decision about whether to dedicate children to the father's private life must be made jointly. No matter how offensive it is for treason, the kids have nothing to do with it. It will be difficult for them to understand what homosexuality is. And for older children, this information can cause serious psychological trauma. Being “different from everyone else” at a certain age is very scary. In adolescents, complexes develop, they can begin to hate their parents, move away from them, and close in their own world. Therefore, if you do not want to destroy the subtle harmony of the child's soul, do not rush to tell them the whole truth. Wait until they reach a conscious age and are able to perceive information calmly and adequately.