Sometimes even one betrayal can turn a woman's whole life, kill her faith in her husband and destroy her love. In this case, you should not stay with your traitorous spouse. Find the strength to leave.

Step 1
Get sick. Let the emotions that your spouse's behavior have triggered subside a little. It is clear that the betrayal on the part of the man whom you considered the closest and dearest cannot but bring pain and despair. Give yourself time to calm down. Then you decide how you want to live.
Step 2
Analyze what happened. It is important to have a firm intention to leave your husband and never return to the traitor. If you do not understand the current situation, in the future it may seem to you that your spouse's guilt is no longer so great. Make a firm and irrevocable decision to leave the man.
Step 3
Talk to your husband. Calmly, without hysterics and accusations, announce your decision to him. It is important to speak in such a way that your spouse can see that you are not acting emotionally. Let him know that you will not change your mind, that begging you to come back and start over is useless. Subsequently, this will save you a lot of nerves and time, which are wasted on conversations with repentant cheaters.
Step 4
Plan your future new life. Think about what you will do, where to live. An early solution to all everyday problems will help you not to give up and stay true to yourself and your decision to leave your husband.
Step 5
Get a support team. It can include people close to you, girlfriends, mom or sister. The main thing is that they should support you in any of your decisions, and not give advice on how to be. Let them know that you will deal with your life on your own, since you alone are responsible for it, and you only expect sympathy, understanding and company from the support group.
Step 6
Don't dwell on the past. Build your new life as a free woman. Be in society more often, attend various cultural events, go on a visit, meet with friends. Know how to see the pluses in your position. It's good that you get to know your spouse's true nature. The sooner your eyes open to a once loved one, the better.
Step 7
You should not contact your husband from whom you left. At the very least, don't do this in the first months after your breakup. Such meetings can bring you unpleasant experiences and negative emotions. Take care of your nerves and limit communication with your spouse, or better, keep it to a minimum. You will have time to divorce and discuss all household issues when your wound heals a little. Now it is important for you to stay away from the cheater.