How To Get A Wife And Child Back

How To Get A Wife And Child Back
How To Get A Wife And Child Back

The separation of two people is a painful and difficult experience, and especially if a child is involved in it. After a short break, you may think that it was a mistake, and you need to return your wife and child.

How to get a wife and child back
How to get a wife and child back

Think carefully about your decision. Better to leave once than torture your wife and child over and over again. Think about what drives your desire to return - love for your wife and child or the fear of being alone? Wait a bit to understand yourself, and when you are confident in your decision, return to the family.

Take another look at your relationship. If the family breaks down, there are unresolved problems and discontent between the spouses. You can't just blame one person, so you need to work on yourself. Remember what your wife did not like about you, and try to correct yourself. It makes no sense to return to the family if the situation repeats itself in a month.

Show that you've made a difference

Start chatting with your spouse. If she doesn't want to see you, start showing up for short appointments with your child. There is no need to immediately fall on their heads, especially if the break in communication was long. Make gifts, you can apologize to them for your actions, promise to improve.

Help your wife in a difficult situation. This applies to childcare, financial issues, household chores. Do this not at her request, but offer help yourself. Show that you want to be her protector and helper. Don't forget about the child - take them to the mugs, buy toys, help with homework and just talk.

Show your spouse that you have changed and are ready to change further for your shared future. Remember what irritated her about you, and present yourself in a different light. She sawed for small income? Change jobs or find a part-time job. Did you not appreciate her and were inattentive? Give her compliments and gifts when you visit.

Take all the blame. When it comes to negotiations, say that it was your fault, you understand everything and are ready to work on the relationship. Accept all accusations, apologize for past wrongs, let her feel how you value her.

Renew your relationship with your spouse. Speak out, achieve a truce and offer to get out somewhere together. You need to be alone to revive your romantic feelings. Invite her to your favorite restaurant, fulfill all the wishes of your spouse. Make an unforgettable evening and win your wife's heart again. You know her best, so you can do it.

After returning

Don't make the same mistakes. When you can get your wife and child back, don't go back to past behavior. The second time, she may not forgive you. Talk to your spouse, appreciate her, compliment her, and let’s take a break from household chores. If you feel that a scandal is brewing again, offer to discuss everything peacefully or go to the family psychoanalyst.
