In life, there are rarely relationships without quarrels and clarification of various circumstances. To be together again, the offending party has to ask forgiveness for what he did. However, the other half is not always ready to immediately forget all the grievances. In such situations, forgiveness must be earned.

Step 1
Apologize to your significant other. Sorry won't be enough. Think about what you will be talking about and practice your lines. You must ask for forgiveness sincerely and beautifully, so that the one before whom you are guilty will be imbued with your words and realize that you are sincerely sorry, and this situation will not happen again.
Step 2
Make your apology even more beautiful, for example, by giving your significant other a memorable gift or by giving her a surprise. Try inviting her to a meeting in a place that is important to both of you to make her words sound even more convincing. You can apologize in the form of poetry or song. Also ask your friends to help you with this. They can, for example, simultaneously send your significant other a message with the text "Forgive him" or shout this phrase under her windows.
Step 3
Begin to change if you still haven't been able to achieve forgiveness. Think about what exactly you are offended, and if you really made a mistake, do not repeat it again. Over time, your significant other will notice the change and forgive you.
Step 4
Do as many good and pleasant deeds as possible so that the person close to you forgets his insult and re-imbued with you. Spend more time together, go on romantic dates, and start doing something in common that will bring you closer together.
Step 5
Keep telling the person that you love them and need them and their support. Also repeat it again, if necessary, that you have learned the lesson and will not cause such heartache again.
Step 6
Remember the saying “time heals”. Just keep believing and hoping that you will be forgiven, and one day it will happen. Do not turn away from your loved one and do not be rude to him, and if he loves you, it means that he will gradually forget about the mistakes you have made.