There are people who are lucky, and their mutual love took place by itself. But very often you have to build a strong feeling with your own hands. And earning love can be very difficult.

Step 1
No one can be forced to love by force. Love can only be earned by virtue of behavior. You need to know what character traits are most attractive in the opposite sex for the object of love, and become the embodiment of these qualities. Finding out their list is not difficult - you need to talk with your lover about what his past relationship was like. Try to find out why he fought with his ex-girlfriend, why they broke up. Do not repeat other people's mistakes and correct your behavior.
Step 2
Be open and friendly. Do not make scandals from scratch. Most men, especially at the beginning of a relationship, do not accept this behavior.
Step 3
Don't limit your partner's freedom. This will only lead to the fact that he will hide from you where he is at the moment. To make your beloved spend more time with you, organize an active pastime. Initiate bowling trips, travel, meeting friends. Joint adventures unite perfectly, very soon you will achieve a reciprocal feeling from your beloved.
Step 4
Be seductive for a man, but out of reach. If the partner immediately gets what he wants, then love simply will not have time to arise. It will not be interesting to continue the relationship with you, you gave everything you could. And if you constantly keep a man in suspense, while not letting him get too close, he will surely think about why you are so unapproachable. And by all means will try to win your favor.
Step 5
Behave naturally. Don't adjust to your partner. Very soon, the man will understand that you agree with everything, and will stop even asking your opinion. He will not respect you, and, of course, a great feeling will not arise. The stronger sex loves women who are able to become full-fledged partners - self-confident, having their own point of view. Remember this if you want to quickly earn love.