If a spouse always disappears at work, sparing no effort, struggles so that his loved ones and he do not need anything, then he is a workaholic. How to live with a workaholic man?

Step 1
A workaholic man who never leaves work early, can take work home. And rest? Your spouse needs to be taught how to rest. To begin with, create the most comfortable atmosphere at home, her husband should like her so much that he will be drawn to return home as soon as possible.
Step 2
Pay maximum attention. Ask about success at work, talk about his hobbies, this is very important for a man. Communication should not be limited to discussing bills and other everyday problems.
Step 3
Plan your family vacation well in advance. Ask what the husband would like to do, where does he want to go or go? Spontaneous actions are unlikely to be to his liking, but a pre-planned event, corresponding to his wishes and interests, will be accepted with pleasure.
Step 4
Talk to your spouse about your health concerns. After all, excessive load and stress will negatively affect his body, and he will not be able to be so active and devote so much time to work. This is another reason to get more rest, and accordingly you will be able to spend more time with your beloved spouse.
Step 5
Please note that his hard work must be shown at home. Ask him to help with the housework, tell him that you need his help. You should not give orders, ask him for help, you simply cannot do without him.
Step 6
In order not to feel a lack of attention, loneliness and not to bother your spouse with reproaches that he is not giving you enough time, take care of yourself. Discover new hobbies, do work that brings you pleasure, improve yourself, develop. A man is always attracted to a woman who has taken place as a person.
Step 7
Often, a workaholic man forgets about family events and holidays. Do not take offense at him and make scenes. After all, he works so hard that his family does not know worries and needs. Become his assistant and partner, delicately, remind in advance of the planned events, for which the spouse will be extremely grateful and can always rely on you.
Step 8
If it seems to you that your husband just runs off to work to avoid communicating with you, then most likely the problem is in personal relationships and the man is trying to hide from constant reproaches and nagging.