Your relationship with your loved one is developing well. You are sure that he is the one with whom you would like to live your whole life and die on the same day. But your chosen one, although he does not give a reason to doubt his feelings, is in no hurry to offer you a hand and a heart, does not seek to live together. How to offer a man a life together?

Step 1
First of all, it is worth deciding: you really want this, or a wounded female pride speaks in you (I am so clever, beautiful, what else does he want?). So, you have decided that you are still firmly convinced of the correct choice and in your plans - to persuade your loved one to live together. Well, take it in a delicate, unobtrusive way to show him the benefits of family life. Take an interest in the life of his family, more often invite him to family celebrations, or organize a joint event with some happy married couple from among your friends.
Step 2
All men are hunters by nature. If they feel affection from you, then they perceive you as a trophy that can be carried everywhere, and it will not go anywhere. Don't let him be so cocky. This does not mean that you should flirt with his friend, start dressing provocatively. But to be the center of attention at a party - why not. You can also make it clear to your sweetheart that, in addition to love for him, you still have many important interests in life - work, hobbies, friends.
Step 3
Men, more than women, like to arrange everything "on the shelves" and do everything consistently. Perhaps some important moment is interfering with the thoughts of your heart friend about living together - moving up the career ladder, writing a PhD or doctoral dissertation, buying a house or a car. In such cases, it is more rational to wait a little, the turn will come up to you.
Step 4
Sometimes men are simply afraid to change something in this life, because by nature they are conservatives, and much stronger than women. You can organize for them a kind of rehearsal of life together. For example, go on vacation together or visit friends living in another city. Or go to a little trick and ask to stay with him for a week, motivating it by the invasion of guests. But after the agreed period has passed, be sure to return home. If he liked your cohabitation, he himself will invite you back.
Step 5
That's what you shouldn't do in any case, it is constantly hinting to a man about living together, crying and sighing, talking about someone else's family happiness, reproaching him for indecision and unwillingness to build a warm family nest. Such straightforward "frontal" methods can only achieve a deterioration in the relationship, your friend may get tired of this constant pressure and will find you a less burdensome replacement.