You have been dating for quite a long time, you are good together, you do not want to part for a long time. You start joking or seriously discussing how great it would be to live together. You agree on who will bring breakfast in bed in the morning. You watch movies in the cinema and dream that you will watch them together at home. Naturally, the question will arise about moving to a young man.

It is necessary
Book "Family life for 5+", YL Berdnikova, 2008
Step 1
First of all, you need to make sure that this is a mutual desire, and not your personal whim, which he indulges in order not to offend you. Did he decide for himself? Did you not push or persuade him? Make sure of this.
Step 2
If you, having crossed the apartment, immediately begin to change everything and do it your own way, he will definitely not like it. This is his apartment and you came to live there. Temporarily you will have to get along in a small mess, and only gradually, after some time, carefully begin to redo it in your own way and taste.
Step 3
To begin with, ask for a small space for you to put your things there and put only the essentials. Do not rush to transport all your belongings so that your move does not seem like a "takeover of territory", as a young man can be very receptive and take a negative attitude towards such a moment. In addition, you will avoid the situation when the number of hangers in the closet is insufficient. All this can be solved in the future.
Step 4
Talk about all the issues of cohabitation in advance. Decide if your budget will be family or personal. How will you spend the money, will you keep some part of the salary for yourself, or will you invest everything in a common piggy bank.
Step 5
Divide household chores on the principle "I love to do this, so I will do it." You can divide the work into complex and not so. You will do the difficult ones together, and the small and simple ones take turns.
Step 6
Moving to a young man and starting a life together is a crucial step, so approach him with due seriousness.