Preparing for the birth of a baby, parents acquire a lot of things that were not familiar to them until that moment. And they approach their choice with great responsibility, focusing not only on the expediency of the upcoming purchase, but also on its safety. Among such things is a pacifier, the opinions about the need for which are diametrically opposed.

Pacifier Challenge
Directly for the baby, it is a device that allows you to fulfill the need for sucking, as well as a kind of sedative. Imitating the nipple of a woman's breast, the baby's pacifier becomes a substitute for the mother in the event that she is not breastfeeding, as well as in situations where it is necessary to calm the baby. The materials from which modern nipples are made vary, as do their shapes. It is believed that when choosing a nipple, preference should be given to orthodontic, which is considered the safest for the formation of teeth and does not interfere with breastfeeding.
The choice of a nipple largely depends on the child himself: some children refuse them in principle, or prefer some specific material or form of performance.
Nipple: pros and cons
The advantages of the nipple are undeniable, because it is by no means only a sedative in those situations when it is impossible to get your mother's breast, but also a kind of barrier between the mouth and what gets into it. A nipple can be a real escape from trying to taste the contents of a backyard sandbox, floor rubbish, or any other object that fits in your mouth. But this advantage is also a disadvantage. For the smallest, the use of the nipple is a risk of losing interest in the mother's breast, because no matter how hard nipple manufacturers try to imitate the shape of the nipple, the difference between artificial and natural is striking. The next danger is the risk of the formation of an incorrect bite, that is, when the baby's first teeth appear, regular use of the nipple can change the direction of their growth. And one more aspect is the inhibition of the development of speech, because trying to talk when something is present in the mouth simply does not work.
A sense of proportion is important in everything, and if the parents decide that they cannot do without a nipple, you should not delay the process of saying goodbye to her until the beginning of a visit to kindergarten. And then both mother's nerves and children's teeth will be intact.
Does the baby need a pacifier
In principle, there cannot be a universal answer to this question, as well as categorical recommendations on this topic even before the birth of a child. There are many examples where sucking on the nipple did not affect either the success of breastfeeding or the formation of the bite, just as you can find no fewer cases when parents did an excellent job without this product. Therefore, it is much more expedient to understand whether to give a baby a pacifier or not after his birth. And if it really helps to calm crying and soothes, then why not?