If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and there are no problems with well-being, then this period can be remembered as the most amazing and wonderful life stage, bringing new emotions and sensations every month. However, if the expectation of a child falls on the cold season, it is important to remember that this period has its own characteristics and characteristic nuances.

In winter, the amount of vitamins in vegetables and fruits is significantly reduced, and if we add to this the lack of sunlight, then the problem of reducing the immunity of the expectant mother comes out on top.
Obviously, a pregnant woman's diet should be balanced, high in essential vitamins and no extra calories.
Therefore, in an effort to provide the baby with vitamins so deficient in winter, many young mothers buy tropical fruits in large quantities.
It is worth thinking about such "vitamin therapy" - how much benefit will they bring to the body?
It is no secret that these fruits are harvested unripe, after which they are treated with various preservatives to preserve their presentation during transportation to our counters.
Summer vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, found in abundance in stores in winter, are distinguished not only by the watery taste characteristic of greenhouse products, but also by a high content of nitrates.
To ensure proper nutrition for pregnant women, it is recommended to replace cucumbers and tomatoes with vegetables that are harvested in the fall: turnips, beets, carrots, cabbage.
Exotic fruits can be replaced with frozen berries grown in our strip: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, rose hips.
This measure reduces the risk of allergies, improves kidney function, and provides the mother and child with a complex of essential vitamins.

Health protection
In winter, the number of respiratory diseases traditionally increases, protection from which the expectant mother will be provided with preventive measures that are safe for the health of the baby.
Natural vitamins for pregnant women will help to maintain immunity at the proper level: onions, garlic, dill, arugula, basil.
Before traveling by public transport or visiting crowded places, it is imperative to lubricate the wings of the nose with oxolinic ointment.
Particular attention should be paid to comfortable clothes and shoes that prevent both hypothermia and excessive overheating of the body.
Fur coats can be too heavy and uncomfortable, but elongated down jackets with an adjustable waist are ideal for winter walks.

Layering is the main trend for pregnant women. Firstly, modern fashion trends allow and even welcome a combination of different textures, colors and styles in one ensemble, and secondly, the presence of several layers of clothing allows you to maintain comfortable conditions for the expectant mother.
It's hot - they took off their blouse or vest; it became cold - put it on again, without prejudice to health and appearance.
The best shoes for pregnant women are soft, contoured, with non-slip soles and Velcro fasteners.
Such shoes are presented in a wide range and will help you look elegant and fashionable, because pregnancy is not a reason to deny yourself the desire to be beautiful and stylish.

Winter beauty
Caring for your skin and hair in winter always requires special attention, and while waiting for a child - doubly.
Dry skin during pregnancy is a common problem, aggravated by dry air in living quarters in winter.
The skin needs regular hydration, both internally and externally. This is facilitated by the use of moisturizers and a sufficient amount of clean water drunk.
In case of a tendency to edema, it is recommended to agree on the rate of consumed water with a doctor.
If possible, you should abandon the use of industrial creams and start making homemade cosmetics that do not contain harmful additives and ideally take into account the characteristics of your skin.

The use of natural base and essential oils, herbal decoctions and the elimination of artificial additives, parabens and preservatives will lead to improved skin condition and its radiant health.
It is important to remember that moisturizers should not be applied immediately before going outside.
The best protection against frost and wind are fatty creams, which contain vitamin E.
Creams are applied to the face and hands 15-20 minutes before going outside, so that the water that is part of them has time to be absorbed, and the components of the cream form the thinnest protective film on the skin.

Hair can be regularly pampered with oil wraps using oils that are perfect for your hair type.
Refusal from shampoos, which include sulfates and the use of herbal decoctions for rinsing, will also benefit the beauty and health of the curls of the expectant mother.