Meditation has been around for thousands of years. Basically, it was practiced in the East exclusively for spiritual purposes. Plunging into a trance, the ancient sages could travel to other worlds and talk with the gods.

The benefits of meditation
Over time, people noticed that almost all meditators live long and have extraordinary health. This fact is of great interest to the modern world. Through many scientific studies, it has been proven that consistent meditation really has a positive effect on health and emotional well-being. In addition, meditation allows you to abandon the realities of life, for a while to forget about problems and losses, to become a simple impartial contemplator, which helps to understand yourself and solve seemingly insoluble life problems.
What is the benefit of meditation?
At present, it is very difficult for a person to completely relax. Even in your sleep, you feel tension and anxiety. Meditation sessions provide complete relaxation, immersion in a state of peace and tranquility. Due to this, the emotional background is quickly leveled, meditation gives a powerful surge of strength and joy.
During a trance, breathing slows down, the blood begins to be more saturated with oxygen. Thanks to this, blood pressure is stabilized, the heart muscle is strengthened, the airways are cleared, which contributes to the prevention and even treatment of many diseases.
Many experiments were carried out, during which it was scientifically confirmed that with the help of meditation, people were cured of many diseases, even such terrible ones as oncology.
It is noted that meditation strengthens the immune system, even special antibodies are produced that fight viruses and infected cells. With maximum exertion, which sometimes cannot be avoided, meditation gives the fastest positive result of relaxation and rest. Inside the body, hormones of joy and happiness are produced, this state is remembered and persists for a long time. Therefore, people engaged in meditation are much more resistant to stress and respond more adequately to all situations that occur.
Sooner or later, everyone thinks about the meaning of life. Meditation allows you to know your own "I", to feel the connection with the Universe. Helps to find out your own mysterious inner world and understand your purpose.
With the help of meditation, you can find answers to many questions, find harmony and joy in life.
These are just a few answers to the question of what meditation gives, in fact there are many more. But only in practice can you appreciate and understand the full power of the magic of meditation.