For many centuries, matchmaking in Russia has been an integral part of marriage. In the twentieth century, with the advent of emancipation and the idea of gender equality in the life of Soviet people, the need for intermediaries between a man and a woman for some time disappeared. However, already in the 80s and 90s, professional matchmakers reappeared in the country, offering their services to single women and men.

Step 1
Read interviews and books of famous professional matchmakers in Russia: Roza Syabitova, Valentina Polisyuk, Fatiha Asyutina, Natalia Pronyakina. In modern Russia there is no registered profession and legalized institution of matchmakers, therefore, matchmaking skills can be obtained only through experience and with the help of advice from recognized craftswomen in this matter.
Step 2
Decide whether you will be an individual matchmaker or an employee of a marriage agency. In the first case, you will need your own Charter, or the rules by which you will be guided when communicating with clients. These rules can be drawn up with your own hand, based on the experience of dating services (you can read their Charters on the sites), and print out to offer clients for review.
Step 3
Start collecting your card index, without which the work of any matchmaker is impossible. At first, this may be the data of your single friends, relatives and acquaintances. Do not forget to add to the card index not only written data for each client, but also their high-quality photographs.
Step 4
Create a questionnaire for clients to make it easier to navigate their preferences. The first part of the questionnaire should contain information about who is looking for a couple, the second - the requirements for the prospective partner. For convenience, enter all the received data into a computer, for example, into the Excel program.
Step 5
Expand an advertising campaign, even if you live in a small village. Submit announcements about your services to all local media and sites, register on major dating forums and offer help to those who are looking for a life partner in private messages. It is important even at first to have successful examples of your work, so immediately create your own portfolio (it may contain stories of your friends who met or got married thanks to you) and show this portfolio to all potential clients. If possible, start your own website or page on the Internet and post all the data there.