Unfortunately, it is not always possible to show your best sides as a professional. If you want your boss to notice you, you don't have to wait for the right opportunity. Take the initiative.

It is not enough to be a good, conscientious, qualified employee. You also need to be able to prove yourself. Without this skill, you risk getting stuck on one rung of the career ladder and never showing what you are capable of.
Identify your strengths. These include both positive personal qualities and professional skills and abilities. Make a list of several points, and opposite each of them indicate how this or that ability helps you in your work. If you are not making full use of your strengths in the workplace, consider in what situations they would hypothetically help you.
Those who want to reach the top of the career ladder should not be content with little. Try to do more than is required of you. Let your manager be pleasantly surprised that you are not only a conscientious and diligent employee, but also an initiative and not indifferent person.
If now you are confidently coping with your main responsibilities, feel free to ask for an additional project - difficult, time-consuming, but interesting. It is moments like these that help people show their abilities. If your boss does not see your potential and does not nominate your candidacy himself, do not be discouraged, act.
Distribute your workload optimally. Not all managers favor employees who stay late at night or show up for work on weekends. You must show that you can easily cope with the current volume of duties and are worthy of a promotion, and not that you are ready to put your life and health on the altar of a common cause. Your boss needs efficiency, not ineffectual, albeit complete, dedication.
Show your employer that you can be relied on. Naturally, do not forget about the instructions that you received from the manager, and violate the established deadlines when performing various tasks. Establish yourself as a responsible, reliable person. Demonstrate that you can handle unusual situations, resolve conflicts, and correct your mistakes.
Remember that work is not only about tasks, reports and numbers, it is also about people. Along with an excellent professional level, you need to demonstrate good communication skills. Show that you can connect with different types of people. It will be very difficult for a conflictual, irritable person who cannot find an approach to colleagues, it will be very difficult to move up the career ladder.