With how to name the next of kin - dads, mothers, uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers - there is usually no difficulty. Father-in-law and father-in-law are often confused by those who have not directly encountered such a relationship. And it is very hard to deal with the out of use "brothers-in-law", "sister-in-law", "brother-in-law".

With poor imagination and weak memory - a sheet of paper and something to write. For notes
Step 1
Imagine yourself surrounded by all your relatives at once, even those of whom you have only heard. With the seeming chaos, this crowd has a center - you. If you find it difficult to imagine such a large family, draw a circle with the letter I in the center of the sheet. Now you can speculate or designate with circles, drawing them depending on the related hierarchy above and below, to the right and to the left, of the closest family members.
Step 2
Determine blood relationship in a straight line. Dad and mom (two circles above you) - everything is clear with them. Children, if any, are slightly lower. There will be no problems with grandparents and grandchildren / granddaughters. The prefix "great- (x)" is used for blood relatives after several (x) generations - great-grandfathers / great-grandmothers and great-grandchildren / great-grandchildren. Any distant ancestor can be called an ancestor (for women, the designation of an ancestor is permissible, but this word has a colloquial connotation), the first of the established ancestors is called a proposit or a proband.
Step 3
Deal with indirect consanguinity. On the right and left sides, there are relatives (older and younger) brothers and sisters. Stepbrothers and sisters are divided into half-brothers, if they are born of the same father, and half-brothers, when the mother is a common relative. A little further horizontally are sisters and cousins (cousins and cousins), second cousins, fourth cousins … "Foolishness" depends on the degree of kinship between their parents and yours. For siblings, children are cousins to each other, for cousins, second cousins, etc.
Step 4
Deal with indirect consanguinity in neighboring generations. Your cousins to your parents or the children of your siblings are nephews (nieces) to you. The naming of feedbacks - uncle and aunt, and before the October Revolution, the maternal and paternal line differed in names: strict and striae, if the uncle / aunt was the father's brother / sister, and vuy and vuyna - if the mother. Nephews, like grandparents, can be cousins, second cousins, etc.
Step 5
Determine the property - this is the name for ties with non-blood relatives, that is, those who have become such due to marriage with someone from blood relatives. The parents of the spouses are called father-in-law and mother-in-law (for the husband) or father-in-law and mother-in-law (for the wife). The spouses themselves are called father-in-law with mother-in-law and their closest relatives as son-in-law, and father-in-law with mother-in-law are called daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law. The mutual name of the parents of the spouses is swat (matchmaker and matchmaker). It is necessary to distinguish between matchmakers-relatives from matchmakers-acquaintances, bustling about the upcoming wedding.
Step 6
Confusion often arises in further horizontal properties, although all the words are heard. For a wife (daughter-in-law), a brother or sister of a husband is a brother-in-law and sister-in-law. For the son-in-law (husband), the wife's brother is the brother-in-law, and the wife's sister is the sister-in-law. The sisters' husbands are brother-in-law. Brothers' wives are female wives.
Step 7
If necessary, you can specify direct and indirect non-blood family ties. Stepfather is a stepfather. The stepmother is a stepmother. The step-son is the stepson, the step-daughter is the step-daughter.
Step 8
Spiritual connections deserve special mention. The godmother, godfather, their godchildren (goddaughter or godson) arise after the corresponding church rite. There are no cousins of godchildren-nephews, but the parents of godparents are also considered godparents (grandparents). Godparents in relation to each other are godfathers.