Children begin to tell lies in different situations in their lives. Parents initially may not pay attention to this, but in the future it can become a problem.

For many parents, the question is that their children begin to cheat. The reasons for lying can vary greatly depending on age. If the child is small, then perhaps he is just wishful thinking. The first lie can be heard from a child at 3 years old, and closer to 6 years old he begins to lie and fantasize quite actively.
Little dreamer
Sometimes it is difficult for the child himself to determine where the truth is and where is the lie. This is especially true for children with a very developed imagination. Children aged seven to eight can come up with various stories that have not happened in their lives. They can invent new parents of superheroes, unreal brothers or sisters in order to attract attention.
Talk to your child about his new friends, ask them what is special about them and why they are so great, and you will understand what your child is missing.
Do not in any way scold or use physical force. He may shut himself off from you or, even worse, become afraid of you. The child must himself understand and realize that in this way it is not worth seeking the recognition and attention of classmates and friends.
Fear of punishment
Many children begin to wrap around because of fear or screaming of their parents, they are afraid to disappoint them, to do something wrong. Also, the reason for deception can be the fear of punishment for the committed misconduct. Thus, having broken a toy or received a bad grade at school, the child begins to come up with different stories and simply lie.
The only way out in such a situation can be a calm conversation with your child: “Even if you did something that might make me angry, do not be afraid to tell me about it. It is much more important for me to hear the truth from you, and I promise not to be very angry."
But keep in mind that you must keep your promise and try to calmly respond to the truth you hear, even if it pisses you off. If, after the confession, a cry follows, this will only provoke the child to lie further and discourage any desire to go into dialogue.
It is worth remembering that, above all, it is parents who are role models for children. It is necessary to build a sincere and trusting relationship with your child so that he sees in you not only a strict parent, but also a good friend with whom you can share any secret without fear of being judged.
Remember, by creating an atmosphere of trust and honesty in the family, you will never have to think about how to wean your child from cheating.