Who Are Watermarks

Who Are Watermarks
Who Are Watermarks

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Three zodiac constellations are called water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. It is believed that the element of water gives all of them common features. Representatives of water signs are emotional, sensitive, they like to think, but they easily change their minds. These are volatile and touchy signs, but their affection can be earned by loyal friendship.

Who are watermarks
Who are watermarks


Step 1

All representatives of watermarks have common qualities. For example, they, like water, easily adapt to environmental conditions, sometimes preferring to bend around obstacles, but not overcome them. This allows them, however, to solve many problems in a much easier way than representatives of other elements entering into open battle.

Step 2

Water signs are emotional, they can not only feel deeply, but can also empathize with others. They have a rare sensuality, which makes the representatives of these three signs of the zodiac simply irresistible. Nevertheless, it often happens that they choose people as partners who are patronized by an element that is not suitable for water. The best partners will be the signs of Earth or Water. A common language, although not easy, is possible to find with air signs. But the signs of Fire should be feared: they do not combine well with Water.

Step 3

Discernment is one of the good things about watermarks. Representatives of this element are able to discern the hidden meaning and secret intentions of others, and this is surprisingly easy for them. Sociability, prudence and great patience make such people excellent partners, both in marriage and in business. But such qualities of Water as instability, frequent susceptibility to mood swings, irritability, a pessimistic outlook on life (found in the signs of Water quite often) add a fly in the ointment to this barrel of honey.

Step 4

Cancer is the most sensitive of all watermarks. Despite the fact that this is a very strong sign with a great sense of humor, undeserved criticism can plunge him into depression. Cancers know how to cheat and think over the seemingly difficult paths that the Cancers themselves lead to the goal in the least energy-consuming ways. Noble and unselfish, Cancer may rarely demonstrate this, so it sometimes seems to others that this person is a little selfish. He prefers honor and glory to money, and the brightness and brilliance of social life - to the quiet comfort of the family hearth. Supported by a family, Cancer is capable of great things.

Step 5

Scorpio is the most passionate and mysterious sign of the zodiac. The traits of the representatives of this sign are very diverse, but it is true for everyone that they give themselves up to their work with unprecedented passion. With Scorpio next to you, you will not be able to relax and immerse yourself in a quiet life. People of this sign are completely confident in their own righteousness, and most often they have good reason for this. Scorpio is also one of the sexiest and most seductive members of the zodiac. If he liked someone, then he will find a way to win the love of that person.

Step 6

Pisces are known for being emotional. Nevertheless, they are well aware of their strengths and weaknesses, being able to assess very accurately what they can do, and what it is better not to tackle yet. Pisces are not always constant, they change their point of view, sometimes they forget about their promises. Although Pisces usually does not strive for great material wealth, they often even look like such dreamers, but when the deed is right, they will not miss their own. Pisces usually achieve a lot if luck favors them, bringing them together with the right people.