Everything in the family should be harmonious. How can this be achieved?

Household chores shouldn't hang on one person. Heavy physical labor usually lies with the man, and the woman for the household. But we must not forget about mutual assistance. If a man needs help, for example, in repairing a room, a woman should not be indifferent to this and say that this is the responsibility of men. A woman is initially physically weaker than a man, but she must help with what she can at least, for example, give a hammer to drive a nail.
A man should behave in the same way when helping his wife in the household, for example, in cleaning an apartment. It should not be so that one does, and the other is lying on the couch, claiming that these are not his duties. Help should always be close at hand.
There should be mutual understanding and agreement in the family, therefore it cannot be argued that the man is in charge in the house, because both the woman and the man in the house are responsible for anything. It would be more correct to distribute responsibilities in advance.
Children are our best helpers. If there are children in the family, they must have responsibilities, even the smallest ones: to help wipe the dust, take out the trash, and wash the dishes. Let the child feel responsibility for something from childhood, this will help him in adult life, when he will build his family.
Everyone has their own rights and responsibilities, but it is imperative to help. Mutual help is one of the secrets of a strong family relationship.