It is not unusual for most children to experience various fears. The reasons that caused them may seem ridiculous to the parents, but there is no need to laugh at the shy child. It will be much more beneficial to provide him with emotional support and try to allay his worries.

Step 1
First, listen carefully to your child, let him tell you about his fears. Then talk to him calmly. If the baby is afraid of the dark and the monsters living in it, you need to explain to him that at night all objects remain the same, there are no monsters. Walk in the evening through a dark room with your child, call and touch the surrounding objects: "Look, here is your bed, and this is your teddy bear …". Convince the kid that nothing terrible can happen to him in his home. Put him in the crib of defenders - a brave plush tiger or an invincible Batman.
Step 2
Ask your child to draw their fears. Discuss this drawing with your toddler. Praise the child for their efforts, and then tell them that you will now banish that fear together. Ask your child to tear the drawing into small pieces and throw it into the trash chute. If the baby is older, then burning a sheet of paper with fear drawn on it will be a very effective way to "deal" with the painted fear. If the child has a fear of real events or people, explain that this is unlikely in life, and if it happens, then very - very rarely, but just in case, think together and develop a plan of action to make your baby feel safe again. The fear of losing their parents is very strong in some children. Hug your baby and tell him that you love him very much and will always be with him.
Step 3
Do not ridicule or scare your child with dogs, babies or policemen. The kid takes such threats very seriously. Treat all his feelings and experiences with understanding. Instill in the child the confidence that most of the fears are groundless and can always be dealt with if desired. In severe cases, seek help from a psychologist.