Overwork is a condition that occurs when a child has no rest for a long time. Usually occurs on the background of long-term fatigue. It can lead to psychosomatic disorders.

Psychologists pay close attention to the mental health of modern children. Heavy workloads at school lead to overwork. But even those children who do not yet go to school, constantly spending time in kindergarten or in circles, by the end of the year get tired of emotional and physical stress. Not everyone can tell about their fatigue due to age and other characteristics. Kids, for example, start to be capricious. How to detect symptoms of overwork?
How do symptoms of overwork appear?
First of all, pay attention to subjective and objective signs. Subjective indicators include the appearance of general discomfort, headaches of varying severity, sometimes slowing down of speech, facial expressions and movements is found. The child may develop apathy, lethargy, decreased attention, irritability.
Objective signs of overwork include symptoms of a medical nature. For example, changes can affect blood pressure, increased heart rate. This can be detected using electrocardiography. Also, when examining fatigued children, sometimes doctors note heart murmurs and increased respiratory activity.
Accordingly, it is possible to detect symptoms of severe fatigue in a child not only by behavior, but also by physiological changes.
How to determine if the child is coping with the stress?
If you notice that a child cannot fall asleep in the evening or, conversely, asks to sleep during the day, his appetite becomes poor and weight loss is observed, this may indicate a manifestation of overwork. The resulting imbalance leads to the fact that the baby often starts to get sick. The manifestation of all of the above signs indicate that daily activities should be reviewed and distributed taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of your child.
Thus, overwork symptoms are easy to detect. If the parents noticed signs that fit the description, it is necessary to reduce the load. Of course, everyone has the right to feel tired sometimes. But pediatricians pay attention that if this happens all the time, then you should carefully check your health and adjust the daily routine.
Signs of overwork can be a symptom of other diseases, ranging from allergies to changes in hormonal levels. In older children, the same manifestations are found in chronic fatigue syndrome. To correctly determine the diagnosis, be sure to show the teenager to the doctor.