How To Plan The Working Hours Of A Younger Student To Avoid Overwork

How To Plan The Working Hours Of A Younger Student To Avoid Overwork
How To Plan The Working Hours Of A Younger Student To Avoid Overwork

Often, parents want their children to grow up to be excellent students, leaders and everyone to do well everywhere. However, excessive training and physical activity can cause overwork in the child and further malfunctions of the nervous system. To avoid problems with children's health and learning, it is necessary to carefully plan the time of activity and rest of the child.

How to plan the working hours of a younger student to avoid overwork
How to plan the working hours of a younger student to avoid overwork

Before you start planning your child's regimen, observe your child. Mark in a notebook the time intervals of the greatest child's activity and passivity.

Please note that the child gets home after school in a decline in performance. Don't demand instant turn-on. Take the first hour after the end of the class to passive rest: engage in relaxation and emotional exercises to relieve tension.

For example, the exercise "Dolls": the child is invited to portray Pinocchio - to strain all the muscles, make the body wooden and freeze for 5-10 seconds. Then reincarnate as a rag doll - relax your muscles as much as possible and soften on the bed / sofa.

The exercise "Mirror" is used as an emotional relief: an adult depicts an emotion, and a child repeats it like a mirror.

The peculiarities of the psychology of junior schoolchildren are such that a decrease in mental performance in them occurs 15-20 minutes after monotonous work of the same type. When doing homework, you should alternate the types of learning activities: reading assignments should be given no more than 15 minutes, writing - no more than 10. In between assignments, arrange unloading five minutes - for example, gymnastics for the eyes or fingers.

Homework should be carried out in favorable psycho-emotional conditions. Pre-ventilate the room, turn off the TV - nothing should distract the child from classes. If a child learns from the first shift, the most favorable time for completing lessons will be the interval from 16-00 to 17-30. For the second shift, the morning hours before school are useful: from 10-00 to 11-30.

Switching from one activity to another shouldn't be abrupt. On average, for children 6-8 years old, the transition from one action to another takes from 5 minutes to half an hour, depending on the individual characteristics of the children's nervous system. Warn your child in advance that after a certain amount of time he should start studying lessons.

In no case should you rush the child, criticize his mistakes or rush to correct them. Give the student time to carefully read and understand the assignment, and at the end to analyze the correctness / incorrectness of the execution algorithm.

Some parents load their child with extracurricular educational activities (circles, sections, etc.). For younger students (7-10 years old), psychologists advise choosing no more than one additional type of activity lasting 45-60 minutes. It is advisable that there is a time interval (about 2 hours) between the school and the section for rest.

Since the physical activity of children at school is minimal, it is necessary to replenish the balance at home or in the section. Swimming, cycling, etc. are great additions.

Healthy sleep is an important part of any child's regimen. It is a mistake to disaccustom a child to sleep during the day after kindergarten. Afternoon nap replenishes the energy reserves of the child's body and relieves fatigue. In the evening, going to bed should be no later than 22-00 o'clock. For 1, 5 hours before bedtime, it is necessary to exclude active activities and food intake.
