If a child is constantly distracted when doing homework, cannot find a place for himself, cannot concentrate on the task, this means that he is tired and needs rest.

Often the parents of a student think that bad grades depend on how much the child is studying, but this is not so. In order to have good academic performance, it is necessary to properly organize the rest. When a child is at school or does an assignment at home, he practically does not change his body position, since he sits a lot at the table.
As a result, the spine, heart and nerves are affected. Such a heavy load manifests itself in fatigue, this is the so-called defense mechanism that triggers a defense reaction against exhaustion.
You can name the main symptoms of fatigue. The child begins to behave badly while completing tasks, he may show inattention. In addition, he often cannot concentrate, which manifests itself in "jumping" along the lines. Also, he cannot repeat the parent's phrase or does not respond to encouragement. It is possible to change the reaction to events that previously caused completely different emotions.
Asking the child about his condition, the parent is unlikely to receive an intelligible answer, since the student may be afraid of his fatigue, thinking that he will be scolded. Or he is simply unable to describe his feelings. In this case, mom or dad needs to try to recognize the signs of fatigue themselves.
In order for fatigue to recede, it is necessary to take joint walks, to engage the child physically, not mentally. In this case, you can return to your homework after a while. If such pauses are not taken, then the baby may develop overwork, and then the parent may observe some of its signs.
The main signs of overwork
- The child begins to get sick often, his immunity is suppressed.
- The baby has a nervous tic - twitching of various parts of the body.
- Fears that are not typical of a schoolchild appear. For example, fear of the dark, queues, dark entrances, and more. In addition, the child does not sleep well at night and has nightmares.
- Poor work of the cardiovascular system is observed. For example, the manifestation of arrhythmia, pressure, sweating.
- Fever may also rise, although there are no more signs of illness.
- You can notice a negative attitude in the child, depression, lethargy.
But the main thing for a child in such a situation is the approval and support of relatives, their love and care. You should not focus on the child's failures, because the main thing in the family is the relationship. They must be protected.