The appearance of a younger brother or sister is a great stress for a child. All mother's attention is, at best, divided into two, and most often - more care is given to the younger one. To avoid jealousy, the child must be prepared for the birth of a sister or brother.

1. Start telling the elder about the arrival of another child in advance. It is advisable to do this 5-6 months before the birth of the youngest. The older child will already have time to get used to this thought, and will not be acutely worried about the very fact of another child in the house.
2. Tell your child that at first the younger will only sleep and eat. And when the baby grows up a little, they will play together.
3. Ask your husband to pay more attention to the older child - let them play, walk, play sports together. Then the child will react calmly to the appearance of the baby, since he will get used to spending a lot of time with his father and will not be so dependent on his mother.
4. Hug and kiss your child as often as possible. This is especially important after the appearance of the youngest. Let the child see and feel that his mother still loves him.
5. Try to befriend your children. Seniors are often afraid and don't like younger ones because they don't know what to do with them. Explain to him that if the baby is crying, then you can give him a dummy, sing a song, or make funny faces. Your oldest child will love this game and will help you. When swaddling or feeding a baby, ask the elder to help you, to bring something.
6. When going for a walk with your baby, do not forget about your older child. Moreover, he will be very proud if you give him a little wheelchair ride with the youngest.
7. Make a corner for the elder where the younger child cannot enter without the elder's permission. Let the elder sometimes retire there. Don't force the older child to give away all of their toys, but praise if they share. Teach the younger child to always ask permission before picking up the older child's toy. Let, in addition to common toys, each child have their own.
8. When the baby grows up, teach him to play with the elder, let them spend more time together, and then the jealousy will fade away. Don't encourage sneaking. Try not to take the side of one of the children, try to understand each situation.
9. Learn to unite children by a common cause: making pizza together, cutting snowflakes or building a snowman. The common cause unites. Involve your husband in all family matters.
Let your children be friendly, and then it will not be scary to give birth to another baby.