Any woman knows how to use a pregnancy test nowadays. But the tests themselves appeared relatively recently, and earlier they could determine pregnancy with folk remedies.

Even a few tens and even hundreds of years ago, women knew how to determine pregnancy with improvised means. And even in our time, many do not trust modern means of determining pregnancy. Many people even think that folk remedies are more reliable than medications.
Such a folk remedy is iodine solution. Many girls know about him and use this tool to determine pregnancy. It should be noted that iodine is used not only to determine pregnancy, but also as a bactericidal agent.
Moisten a paper sheet with urine and drip 1-2 drops of iodine. If the color has not changed (remained brown), or changed to blue, then you are not pregnant. If the urine becomes lilac or purple, then you are pregnant, since the urine of a pregnant woman reacts with the reagent and becomes colored.
Pour urine into a glass and drop 1-2 drops of iodine into it. If the blob is blurry, then you are not pregnant. If it remains on the surface of the liquid, then you need to prepare for replenishment.
I would like to clarify that the reliability of the tests is based on the fact that all tests must be carried out correctly and strictly dosed. Iodine should be dripped into the urine very carefully and slowly so that the iodine does not splatter on the surface of the liquid from the impact. An incorrect test may result in an incorrect result.
There is also information that the accuracy of the tests approaches 100% during pregnancy up to 10 weeks. Morning urine should also be used in tests.
It is still not worth 100 percent to believe in the reliability of the iodine test for determining pregnancy. For the sake of interest, people conducted experiments not only on women, but also on men, and also on animals. And they all had positive results.
Naturally, there is no scientific background to this issue. Still, it is impossible to say with certainty whether iodine as a determinant of pregnancy is a real diagnostic tool. Only a gynecologist can give you the final word on your pregnancy or its absence.