Many idealists, having barely inflamed with some person with strong feelings and having found the reciprocity of the object of their love, are convinced that this will continue at least until the death of one of their couple. However, sometimes reality turns out to be very cruel in relation to people with similar views. For some reason, their feelings fade away, not withstanding the first serious test.

Love: dreams versus reality
Often people in love make the same mistake, which ultimately turns out to be fatal for their relationship. They assume that love is some kind of given, coming and going by its own will or by the will of Providence. They think that in this case everything depends solely on the strength of feelings and on whether this or that person is a "soul mate."
Thinking in this way, one can only bring closer the funeral of love. The reality is much more prosaic than such naive romantics think. Thinking that feelings are all about holidays, they are invariably mistaken. In fact, the "vitality" of one or another love relationship depends on the "ability to work" of both partners in this aspect.
In other words, the novel will last exactly as long as both parties in it will be willing to invest in building a solid foundation for their union, to strengthen and nourish each other's feelings, "saturating" them with admiration for each other, willingness sometimes to compromise, or even to make certain sacrifice in the name of another. If this does not happen, feelings sooner or later turn out to be lost.
What can kill feelings
When partners approach love in a consumer way, ready not to give, but only to receive certain "dividends" of positive emotions from their relationship, then they should be ready for the imminent end of their romance. If they do not want a similar fate, they both need to try to keep track of moments that can cause disagreement and strike a blow to their love.
So, problems often arise in those couples where the lovers belong to different racial, ethnic, social, religious groups, or, for example, are carriers of a sharply different mentality. Here, the enemies of their relationship - especially in the first difficult years of their joint existence - will be literally everything and almost every life circumstance.
If they float at the behest of the waves, and do not try to join forces in order to get out of the pool of emerging contradictions, their love - even very strong initially - is unlikely to be viable. In order for her not to leave, it will take a lot of effort to prevent someone or something from getting between the lovers.
Often, relationships become obsolete if they are "seized" by everyday life. This is not a banal phrase, but an actual truth. Everyday worries will really turn out to be "killers" of love if both partners do not look after themselves, making efforts to remain the most desirable for each other, and find what unites them - common goals, activities, ways of spending leisure time, etc. NS.
When love's leaving is just an illusion
Often people only think that their relationship has exhausted itself and there are no feelings between them for a long time. In fact, true love, especially if both partners are constantly working to strengthen it, cannot simply dissolve and go nowhere. Usually only that which was taken for it “dies”.
Many inhabitants of the planet, brought up on Hollywood melodramas and love stories, learn from there the wrong understanding of love. Having seen enough of the experiences of on-screen and book characters, they often begin to think that love is a whirlwind of emotions and burning passion.
In reality, the aforementioned characterizes only one of the sides of full-fledged feelings - sensual-sexual (and everything that is somehow connected with it). In the same couple, the lifespan of ardent love and the acuteness of manifestation of passion is about six months to three years maximum. Further, the relationship either outlives itself, or is reborn into something new, more stable.
Many, noticing the loss of the former acuteness of sensations (significant in the notorious "candy-bouquet" period), sadly think that love has died. In fact, if it has survived, then it has passed into a quieter stage, when the habits and character traits of the partner are already more or less studied, and at the same time people begin to grow into each other, as it were.
It is here that the most real mature - and most beautiful - feelings originate. One has only to end the romance at this stage, succumbing to the desire to feel the "nerve" of emotions with another partner, how you can lose something really very valuable, and after a couple of years (if the new relationship withstands so much) you will still come to a similar result.
So you shouldn't chase illusions of “new” happiness. Of course, it is quite possible to meet him, but it would be naive to believe that the intensity of passions will be tenacious for many years. It is important to understand and take for granted the metamorphosis of true love.