How To Show Resentment

How To Show Resentment
How To Show Resentment

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What is resentment? How to overcome it, and is it necessary to make it clear to the person who upset you that by his actions he inflicted mental trauma on you? Of course, it is necessary to react to someone's negative words or actions. But how to do it with dignity, "saving face"?

How to show resentment
How to show resentment


Step 1

Much in achieving mutual understanding depends on communication between people. Often times, you can be offended not only by bad actions, but even by the person's tone and manner of communication. Unfortunately, it is the closest people who hurt the most. If you want to show that you are upset, there are many ways to do it. Someone expresses resentment by shouting and cursing (not always censorship), someone, on the contrary, is silent and does not want to communicate with the offender anymore, and for someone, resentment is a direct path to revenge.

Step 2

Did you receive information or remarks incorrectly? If it was done by an unfamiliar person, it is better not to shout or say nasty things "in reverse". By the way, this should not be done with anyone at all. The best way out in the situation would be to simply state the fact: clearly and calmly pronounce the words “I am offended”, and try to clearly explain why. In doing so, your resentment will immediately spill out, and the person will understand exactly where he made a mistake and will try to correct himself.

Step 3

If you are offended at home, you should not be silent in any case. True, in this situation you have a small trump card, as sooner or later loved ones will notice your changed mood and want to find out the reason, that is, they will come up to you first. Explain to the offender what he did wrong (maybe this person did not even think that he deeply offended you by his act).

Step 4

You should also remember that resentment has never adorned anyone. You need to show your negative emotions as little as possible. At the same time, you should not shut yourself in, internally enjoying your mood. So you will be told nasty things (or do ugly things towards you) much more often. It is not for nothing that the old Russian proverb “they carry water to the offended” is still relevant.
