Probably, every young man, wandering around the shops in search of a gift for his girlfriend, always wants to find some creative and original thing that at first glance would show all the sincerity and purity of the feelings of its donor. However, among the huge number of gifts in the markets and in boutiques, as a rule, there are the same type of teddy bears, chocolate hearts and other little things, which only further indicate the routine of such a great feeling like love. Therefore, many young people for the sake of the second half decide on a courageous gift, namely, they present their beloved with a star.

A star named "Favorite"
The easiest way to get a star for your beloved is to purchase a certificate for it. In other words, the International Astronomical Union provides a unique service, namely, they give a person the right with the help of a telescope to choose one of the newly discovered stars in the sky and name it after his beloved girl. As an official document confirming the veracity of this procedure, a young person is issued a state certificate, which is subsequently entered into the state register of stars and stored for 50 years.
To date, a gift for a beloved girl, which is a bright star located in the sky, has become one of the most original and expensive presents on Earth.
The opportunity from anywhere in the world and at any time of the year to observe "her" personal part of the heavenly space is for her the best gift in comparison with flowers and chocolates.
Stars, meteorites, moonstones
However, no matter how beautiful and tempting the phrase "give a star from the sky" sounds, in fact young people very rarely manage to do this, since the huge costs of obtaining a certificate sometimes simply become an unbearable burden and completely deprive the other half of the opportunity to make a pleasant surprise. But loving hearts suggest more and more specific gift ideas for their lovely soulmates.
So, all the same International Astronomical Union around the world every day finds thousands of meteorite fragments, pieces of "shooting stars" and moon stones. After receiving any valuable information from them, scientists put up the fragments for sale, thereby enabling the common population to acquire a small part of the celestial body, which becomes part of the original gift for the closest and beloved person.
In other words, the beloved girl has not just a polished shard of stone, but a piece of the Universe, which creates the impression of the boundlessness of feelings and relationships.
In general, as practice shows, getting a star for a loved one is not such a difficult task. The main thing is for the gift to become truly beautiful and original, you need to invest in it all the sincerity and completeness of your feelings.