In our life, at a certain period, a person appears who adds color to our gray everyday life. He does everything to win you over. shows with all his appearance that he wants to be with you and you understand that you are good with this person, you reciprocate.

Step 1
Then everything goes on as usual … You are together, everything is beautiful, emotions, feelings overwhelm both of you, and you think - here it is, happiness! …. But by a certain coincidence, you have to find yourself at a great distance from each other. It was during this period that you notice that the object of your sighs has cooled towards you, but at the same time he says that everything is fine.
Step 2
You understand that your relationship has come to an end, that you were just used, playing with your feelings. You are upset, it seems that you cannot live without this person, but these are only primary feelings! There is no need to be upset about this, because the person himself wanted to leave and showed it with his behavior. It's his choice! A huge world of beauty and beauty opens before you! After all, life does not end at a break in relations, it goes on.

Step 3
In order to overcome feelings of anxiety and sadness, you need to do something interesting for you and those around you. It can be anything: reading a book, trying to find a hobby, watching your favorite movie, or just sleeping! After a while, you will understand that life, which seemed impossible without this person, is still beautiful and full of joy!