It can be hard for a girl to resist the temptation to take advantage of a young man's love for her own selfish ends. After responding to him in return, she can gain almost complete control over him - the young man will do anything so that his beloved is not capricious and does not cry.

Step 1
As strong as your love is, keep your right to privacy. In addition to your girlfriend, you have parents, friends, and a job you love. She must understand this, and if she categorically does not want to do this, most likely, she will constantly try to take her lover under her total control. A trusting relationship suggests that you can have a beer with friends in the evening, and she can calmly discuss her purchases with her friends, and not call every five minutes with questions. If she forces you to stop communicating with friends and requires a full account of what you did at work today, let her know that you will not let yourself be controlled.
Step 2
Hysteria and tears are a woman's most powerful weapon to get what she wants from a man who is not indifferent to her. And she knows about it and, most likely, will try to use this tool at least once. Be on the lookout - as soon as your beloved decides to test you in this way "for strength", immediately stop the flow of uncontrollable emotions. No need to shout at her and insult her - first just calm her down, let her cry and then tell her in a calm tone that you never liked hysterics and that this behavior does not paint her at all. Explain to her that if she wants to achieve something with this, you can simply ask without such emotional outbursts.
Step 3
A man can become very weak and malleable when in love, and a woman, knowing this, plays on his possessive instincts. “Choose - either me, or friends!”, “Well, go away - I'll find another, a hundred times better” - with such phrases the girl uses your fear of losing her in her interests. As soon as she uses at least one of them, let her know that you are not afraid of this. Such indifference will scare the girl, and she will stop behaving like this.