Fear of childbirth can be associated with various factors. Some of the women are afraid of labor pains, other representatives of the weaker sex think that after the birth of a child, their figure will never be beautiful, and others are worried about the health of the unborn baby. All fears can be allayed by learning more about how pregnancy and childbirth go.

Fear of childbirth
Some childbirth is painful and excruciating, but not all. Fearing pain in advance is meaningless and harmful. Indeed, due to stress and panic, the sensations during childbirth will be stronger and more painful than with a calmer attitude to the process.
Sometimes expectant mothers aggravate their situation by being too afraid and escalating the situation.
Learn how the birthing process goes. This should be done not according to feature films, where actresses-women in childbirth scream with all their might and young fathers faint, but according to special literature. When you become clearer about the process, you will understand what you need to do to make the birth faster and easier. Instead of expecting unbearable suffering, focus on how to give birth correctly.
Fear for the child
Sometimes women are very afraid for the health of the unborn baby. Despite the lack of any information about the development of diseases, they torment themselves with different thoughts about possible pathologies that will certainly be found in a newborn. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that their baby must definitely collect the vices of all family members.
These reflections are not only unfounded, they can do real harm. Remember thoughts are material. The serious concern of the expectant mother about the health of the baby can cause the development of some kind of disease. Indeed, in this case, the subconscious mind can work on suggestion.
Try to be objective and stop worrying about things that haven't happened yet.
Concerns about your own health
Sometimes women are afraid to give birth, as they believe that childbirth can cause a serious blow to their health and beauty. Yes, after the birth of a child, the figure may change, there is a danger of certain diseases, such as mastitis or hemorrhoids, but this is not always the case.
Some diseases can be avoided with the help of prevention and respect for your body. The figure can be restored with exercise and diets. There are many examples of how young mothers look great after giving birth. Your condition largely depends on your efforts. And this fear cannot prevent happiness from being a mother.
Fear of not coping
It happens that women are afraid to give birth because of the unstable financial situation in the country in general or in the family in particular. It happens that expectant mothers doubt their pedagogical abilities and think that they will not be able to cope with raising a child.
Of course, these fears can materialize. But for the sake of the child, you can try to find a way out of a difficult financial situation, look for information on how to raise a baby, ask for help from relatives. Think about whether your fears are a defense reaction of the body, which is simply not ready for the appearance of a baby. It is important to realize your destiny and thoroughly prepare for this important female role - the role of a mother.