What Is Cognitive Development

What Is Cognitive Development
What Is Cognitive Development

Cognitive development is the formation of such processes as memory, thinking, speech and imagination. At birth, a person cannot use the full functionality of these capabilities. However, as he grows up, he gradually masters them.

What is cognitive development
What is cognitive development

From birth to three months

The cognitive development of a newborn baby is specific. It manifests itself in the form of baby movements. The child reacts to sounds, but he does not yet understand where exactly they come from. Psychologists advise mothers to paint their lips with bright red lipstick in the first months of a child's life, so that the baby is aware of the source of the sound, watches its movement. In the future, this will help the baby learn to speak, repeating the facial expressions of the mother. Newborn children do not distinguish between mother and strangers, so they go to each person's arms with equal joy. Also, children at this age tend to repeat light mimic combinations (stick out your tongue, smile).

Three to six months

The child begins to understand that after every action he takes, there is a reaction from the mother. Of course, children take full advantage of this discovery. As soon as a child cries, his mother will immediately come to the rescue and eliminate the causes of crying.

9 to 12 months

The child is characterized by feelings of attachment and longing. He will desire maternal love and affection. If the mother leaves, the baby will cry. At this time, he begins to make many sounds, which will subsequently result in words.

12 to 18 months

At this time, the baby pronounces the first words. He wants to touch, see, feel everything everywhere. A clear sign of this period is the child's excessive curiosity, his independent activity. Cognitive development is that the child seeks to know the world around him in any way. The next point is the baby's desire to imitate. He absolutely accurately copies the body movements of his closest relatives, he can also reproduce what he saw on TV or on the street.

18 to 24 months

A two-year-old has a hard time combining words into sentences. So far, this is not working very well, since communication skills are poorly developed. Words for a child can only mean a specific subject. All this is a weak manifestation of imagination, which will begin its active development closer to three years. The baby's memory is best developed in this period of time. If you read the same fairy tale to him every day and suddenly missed a page, the child will definitely notice it.

From 3 years onwards

After reaching the age of three, the child masters all mental functions. The next main task of the parents is now to support the development of the baby.
