Having fallen in love, it is sometimes scary to admit it, since it is scary to hear a grin in return. And you are trying to understand if your feelings are mutual or if you are tolerated out of politeness. And although men and women behave differently, they still have something in common.

Step 1
Pay attention to body language. If the object of your sympathy looks at you with interest, and you constantly bump into his gaze in a circle of friends, or he nervously pulls him aside as soon as you look - a clear sign that you are not indifferent.
Step 2
If a person in your presence begins to correct their hair or clothes, it is not without reason.
Step 3
If a person's feet are turned in your direction when talking to you, then they are clearly interested in you.
Step 4
If a person touches you often, much more often than friends should. If not, then maybe shyness is stopping both of you. Take the first step.
Step 5
If a smile is addressed to you, smile back. If a person continues to look at you, then he definitely likes you.
Step 6
If he / she is interested in what type of person of the opposite sex you like, this is a definite sign that he / she is trying to find out how much suits your tastes.
Step 7
Willingness to refuse a previously scheduled meeting in order to communicate with you.
Step 8
If they ask you or give you a phone number with a meaningful look, and then they call not on business, but simply out of a desire to hear your voice and communicate.
Step 9
Pay attention to the way the interlocutor speaks, to the tone. Men speak evenly and softly when they want to please a girl. Women, on the other hand, speak in a chest voice or a tone higher than usual.
Step 10
If your friends have been told about you, they can come up and unobtrusively try to find out with whom you would go on a date from their company, for example, or look in your direction.