The most common phrases when meeting people are not always the most appropriate and successful. Nevertheless, according to statistics, the vast majority of those wishing to get acquainted use these particular phrases. An interesting attempt was made by scientists: several groups of girls and young people were asked to paraphrase some of the most common phrases or come up with others, but close in meaning. The effectiveness of these new options was then tested.

The most common phrases
According to surveys by sociologists, today the most common phrase when meeting people is the phrase “You don’t need help?”. Then they go in order: "What a lovely child you have, all (all) in mom (dad)!", "Can I find out your phone", "Give you a lift?", "Can you tell me what time it is?" The popularity of these phrases does not mean, however, their high efficiency. According to psychologists, these phrases require the least amount of energy and less fiction. Of course, we are not talking about originality either. Actually, the final goal of these questions is to induce the questioned person to further joint action. Thus, a young man or girl wants to find out whether there are chances of continuing the acquaintance, whether there is a positive response from the object of sympathy.
Do you need help?
The phrase has been reformulated into a possible continuation “You are probably tired, because your image does not leave me all day. This option is funny in that it implies your prior acquaintance or sympathy. And also the fact that you were intelligent enough not to pester you at the first glance. Also, this option uses the assumption that long mental contemplation of the object of sympathy leads to physical fatigue of the one about whom one is thinking. What was the reaction to such a question? Interestingly, it basically ranged from “Oh, this is not serious” and “Oh, no,” to simply going somewhere far away from the questioner.
What a lovely child you have, all (all) in mom (dad)
Was paraphrased in "You are beautiful, like an angel who came down from heaven." At the same time, it is generally known what the name or the name of the angel who fell from heaven in biblical times is. Have you already guessed? Quite right. It turns out that you have just called the object of your desires a demon. In general, this is not new, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is clear that when someone is called an angel, they mean images of harmonious people of the Renaissance era, and not at all a shining flying ball, which could have been a heavenly angel. At the same time, studies have shown that people are condescending to the idea of hearing something demonic about themselves. And girls are quite happy to hear something like "You are a demonic woman" about themselves.
Can I find your phone number?
A replacement was offered "I forgot my number, can I find yours?" Those. it is clear that you are one of those who can forget your number. The question arises - how often does a person call himself? It is also clear that nowadays it is very easy to determine the outgoing number. It is displayed on the cellular screen, there are special applications for such purposes. Thus, the most likely assumption is that the questioner was so amazed by the appearance and appearance of the object of sympathy that he forgot not only his name, but also his phone number. Practice shows that in response to such a question, a telephone number is not provided. Although the option is quite effective if combined with a treat in the form of a drink and is addressed to young girls who came to the club to meet.
According to research, many experts in the field of relationships between men and women believe that the most common phrases when meeting people are almost the worst possible. However, they have led the way in prevalence for many years.