Before attempting to speak to a woman, make sure she is open to communication. This can be understood by whether she is frowning, whether she is on the phone, whether she is busy with work, etc. To start a conversation, you should not come up with prepared phrases in advance: the conversation should be unobtrusive, it can be slightly playful.

Step 1
If you have met before, try to find out in advance about her interests and preferences. If this is your first time seeing her, try grabbing attention with a non-standard question. It’s not bad if it contains a bit of humor, for example, in a cafe at the checkout: “Do you also like mulled wine? And what do you prefer with honey or with cognac? " or “I see you ordered mulled wine. You know, they cook it here according to the old recipe of my grandmother. " Then the girl will go to her table, and in the meantime you will choose a place away from her.
Step 2
When less than half of the drink is left in her glass, ask the waiter to send her exactly the same mulled wine with a note indicating the recipe "from grandma" (she can be caricatured by hand in a cap and apron), your name and phone number. Add a note in the spirit of "Granny asked not to divulge the secret of preparing this divine drink until I meet the girl with the most charming smile in (name of the cafe)." If the girl is slightly embarrassed, smiles, starts looking for you with an interested look, you can safely approach her table and ask permission to sit down.
Step 3
And then you can continue the topic of drinks (“Do you think the rest of the mulled wine are also good here?”, “Do you know how to cook mulled wine?”) Or start talking about something else (“Cozy place, do you often come here?”). Just do not forget to introduce yourself again or come up with something more original: "Well, you already know so much about me, and I don't even know your name, help me correct the misunderstanding." Then continue the lively conversation, remembering to smile and behave naturally.
Step 4
If the fear of saying something stupid keeps you from meeting a girl, then to train your intellect, read fiction every day, preferably classical, since modern authors in their works minimize vocabulary and speech turnover. Daily reading will help you articulate your speech more clearly and get rid of parasitic words. Day by day, your speech will become less tongue-tied, and you will feel much more confident.