You like a girl, and you want to approach her to meet her, but the success of your endeavor will depend on how you start a conversation.

Step 1
Don't start a conversation with a hackneyed phrase. Show originality. The first phrase should interest, intrigue, laugh, but not drive into a stupor. If you have a sense of humor, this will help tremendously. If not, don't despair. The main thing is not to mumble under your breath, do not stumble, do not insert parasitic words. And even if in ordinary life you swear like a shoemaker, during a conversation with a girl, in no case use your French.
Step 2
Be bolder, but not assertive. Overconfidence is repulsive. You can be a little embarrassed. If in fact there is no trace of embarrassment, portray it. No need to learn to blush, stutter and blink your eyelashes. Just make a slight hitch at the end of the phrase. As a starting point for a conversation, you can, for example, ask the girl to help you deal with something.
Step 3
A veiled compliment to her suit is a good way to start a gym conversation. Veiled! Do not cut from the shoulder with the phrase "Oh, what a cute T-shirt you have, how it delightfully emphasizes your breasts." Easier. At the rink, you can compliment her triple somersault. She does not do somersaults, but only goes through with great difficulty skates? Offer a helping hand, gently advise how to push off and how to slow down.
In a nightclub and at a disco, you don't have to be too smart about the beginning of the first phrase - there the situation itself involves making an acquaintance. Just invite the girl you like to dance, and if she likes you, the conversation will start by itself.