Since ancient times, a man was considered decisive and strong. He always took the first step, fought in duels and confessed his love, stole the bride and ran away with his beloved. Unfortunately, the days of the knights have already passed - and women in many areas have become equal to men. In some things, they even surpassed. And questions: Who will be the first to declare their love? Who should take this step? - are no longer relevant. A man and a woman are in absolutely equal conditions. One question remains unanswered: How to say about love?

Pen and notebook, colored paper and scissors, vegetables or fruits, sauce or cream
Step 1
Take a pen, paper and kindly write to the man what you think of him. Nobody demands from you, an exquisite literary style, The main thing is feelings! Your chosen one must understand that he inspired you to poetic feats. If you didn't manage to write poetry, you can alternatively search the Internet.
Step 2
Cut out many, many paper hearts and write all sorts of good words on them. Place them wherever your loved one can find them: in a cell phone case or in a clothes pocket, in a closet or in a refrigerator.
Step 3
Make your favorite food that he adores. Decorate it with various hearts: laid out from vegetables or fruits, squeezed out of sauces or cream. You can try on a platter to lay out the words "I love you" from all sorts of goodies.
Step 4
Order a banner, streamer, or poster with recognition and explanation. And place it, not far from your home or from the place of work of a loved one.