How To Tell Your Best Friend That You Love Him

How To Tell Your Best Friend That You Love Him
How To Tell Your Best Friend That You Love Him

Confessing your feelings is a bold and decisive step. Love arises not only at first sight, it can also appear over time. It is not uncommon for one of the friends to fall in love with the other.

You need to prepare for recognition
You need to prepare for recognition

Declare your love to a friend

There is a statement that there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. However, life situations develop in the most diverse ways, proving the opposite.

The question arises: "How to confess to a friend your love for him?" Friendly communication, as a rule, does not go beyond certain boundaries of relationships. Therefore, a sudden revelation of love sympathy will be erroneous, because instead of the expected reciprocity, it can cause a negative reaction from another person. In such a situation, a thoughtless and hasty recognition of feelings will have a deliberately unsuccessful outcome.

In order to avoid an embarrassing situation, which may subsequently affect the friendship between people, you should choose the right moment. It is permissible to admit feelings for a friend not directly, but with the help of hints. An example is a fictional situation in which old friends, after some time of companionship, began a relationship as a pair of lovers. Most likely, the interlocutor will express his opinion on this situation. Thus, it will be possible to determine the attitude of the object of sympathy to such situations.

Convenient moment for a declaration of love

A convenient moment for a frank conversation can be determined in the process of unobtrusive companionship. You can start with small experiments, narrowing the established boundaries of companionship: compliment more often, change the look, manner and tone of communication. It is known that non-verbal signals sent by the human body carry a large amount of information. By observing the reaction of the interlocutor, you can determine his attitude, mood and emotions.

While talking, you should make eye contact with a friend, touch him more often, and gently stroke his hand. It is important to evaluate the interlocutor's reaction to the changes taking place during communication, which will indicate his willingness to hear a declaration of love. If the friend remains relaxed, does not use closed gestures, and responds with mutual touches, then talking about feelings is quite appropriate.

A declaration of love and seriousness towards a friend can have a double meaning. For example, speaking about strong love feelings, and, having met an unexpected reaction (indignation, confusion, denial), we can say that the recognition is friendly and comic in nature.

You can also confess your feelings for a friend in a letter. Having stated your attitude and thoughts, you can ask the object of sympathy to give an answer in the same form. Unlike personal confession, this method eliminates awkward pauses in conversation and ruined meeting. In the worst case, without getting the expected response, you can ask your friend to maintain a trusting relationship without focusing on recognition.
