What To Do If You Fell In Love With Your Best Friend's Girlfriend

What To Do If You Fell In Love With Your Best Friend's Girlfriend
What To Do If You Fell In Love With Your Best Friend's Girlfriend

Falling in love is a creative and beautiful feeling only if it is not directed towards a girl who is the passion of her best friend. In such a situation, you cannot do without problems. Someone will always remain superfluous. There is no one-size-fits-all solution here, you should think it over very well before doing anything.

What to do if you fell in love with your best friend's girlfriend
What to do if you fell in love with your best friend's girlfriend

In many works of fiction, the theme of relationships is encountered.

Two feelings accompany a person throughout his life. Sometimes it seems that life is simply unthinkable without love and friendship.

From time immemorial, the question of the essence of love and friendship has been relevant. And not a single person can give an exhaustive answer to it, and even this is not possible. Each has its own definition. Everyone has their own love, their own friendship.

Love versus friendship

Situations often arise when feelings of love and friendship collide in opposition. It's about when a guy shows sympathy and interest in his best friend's girlfriend, or vice versa. It is impossible to understand who is harder in this story: all three become hostages of the situation.

She is the best, most beautiful, beautiful, sweet and graceful. She dreams at night, her silhouette appears at every step. It is simply impossible to forget it.

But on the other hand, a friend is real, reliable and loyal. With him you can go to fire and water. It would seem that here it is - a real male friendship, and you don't want to lose it.

How to resolve the situation

Young people caught in a love triangle strive to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Some seek advice from their parents, others from friends, and still others go to psychologists.

In all three cases, opinions usually differ. Girlfriends are advised to continue to fight for their love at any cost, and a friend … A friend, if a real one, then he will understand and accept!

Men, on the other hand, are in favor of maintaining friendship. A friend will not betray, will not go anywhere, will not exchange. And, in principle, there are never too many real friends. So we must cherish those who will always be there.

As for the opinion of psychologists, they advise you to understand, first of all, in yourself.

What's more important? Maybe the girl is not "the same" after all, or maybe a friend is not a friend at all. The topic is quite complex, and someone will still remain a "third superfluous".

The solutions to the problem may be different. You can tell a friend about everything and discuss the situation with him. Perhaps together it will be possible to find a solution. A friend, in order to maintain your close spiritual connection, may try to keep your meetings with this girl to a minimum. Friendship is friendship, and relationships should remain personal. Perhaps, over time, without seeing this girl, thoughts about her will gradually go away.

In a situation where relationships between young people are not very good and are on the verge of breaking up, a friend may not mind you starting to court his girlfriend.

Another way out is to try to turn your attention to other girls. Who knows, maybe that's when the one with whom you want to spend your whole life will meet.

And if the love for this girl is so strong, and you are sure that you will not meet anyone better than her, then it is worth acting. Naturally, you need to take into account the girl's attitude towards you. Yes, you may have to quarrel with a friend, but you will find a family.
