Every person from time to time draws in his imagination his soul mate. Even unfree people dream of improving their personal life, and perhaps even finding a more suitable life partner. But many do not experience significant changes, and the desired beloved (s) are in no hurry to make them happy with their appearance. There are several proven ways that you can use them to speed up your dreams. You will be able to attract the desired companion into your life.

Step 1
An exemplary image of the attracted person must have formed in your mind. Take a sheet of paper and a pen, sit back, retire, now you have to take an important step towards fulfilling your dreams. Close your eyes, imagine the appearance of the person you want to attract into your life. Feel the character of this person, his financial situation, sphere of work, etc. Now open your eyes and start writing whatever comes to your mind about this person. For example, he has green eyes, he drives a white Mercedes, he is 33 years old, etc.
Step 2
Create a wish card. Take some magazines, a photo of yourself, scissors, glue, and a piece of Whatman paper. Find people in magazines who look like the person you want to attract. Cut out these pictures. Place your own photo in the center of the Whatman paper, and next to it, paste the most suitable person who is similar to your idea. You can put together a whole collage, for example, a wedding ceremony.
Step 3
Use the law of similarity. If you attribute to the person whom you want to attract some traits that you yourself do not possess, it will be difficult to fulfill your dream. For example, wanting to see in your close environment a person who is versed in any science or practice, you yourself must develop this trait in yourself.