A person in his development goes through several stages, one of which is adolescence. By about the age of 15, he acquires his own "I" and becomes a person, and until then he often longs to be like everyone else. But why?

Why would a teenager be like everyone else?
A teenager or teenager is no longer a child, but also not an adult. He really wants to be perceived as an adult and treated accordingly. The teenager reacts extremely emotionally and negatively to the slightest signs of treating him like a child. He undergoes physiological changes and, as a result, psychological changes. His body changes, takes shape. It is no longer childish, but not yet adult. A teenager observes himself and others, loses confidence in himself, because he is afraid for changes in himself, he is afraid that he is different, that something is wrong with him. He needs confirmation that everything is fine with him, that the same is happening to others. To solve this problem, the teenager is drawn to the same as himself. Adults are no longer an example; they can rarely rid a teenager of his doubts and low self-esteem. Therefore, he strives for peers, longs for their acceptance and understanding. For this, he is ready to imitate them, to be like them. He needs to know everything about them, and he is ready to share everything with them in order to get rid of the fear of impending changes.
Who does a teenager want to be like?
As the bodies of adolescents change according to gender, the psychology and behavior of boys and girls also begin to diverge. By the middle of the transition period - 12-13 years old - boys want to resemble strong, strong-willed men, as they say, "real". They pay more attention to physical fitness and often enroll in sports clubs. And girls, on the contrary, strive for femininity and attention from the outside. Clothes, cosmetics - they try on everything that will bring them closer to the image of a "real" woman. Often, both boys and girls go overboard in these aspirations, which betrays their true age.
The logical conclusion of adolescence
In the period from 10 to 15 years, a person lives his adolescence and enters the stage of adolescence. He already accepts his body, acquires a psychological gender. His personality begins to form, he no longer wants to be like everyone else. He is now confident in himself and strives to develop the skills that he has discovered. The young man immerses himself more in himself with the goal of finding something special, he is characterized by the desire to establish real friendships, close, mainly, with the opposite sex. His social circle is narrowed, "superfluous" people are excluded from him. The value system acquires a skeleton, and self-esteem acquires stability. He is able to professionally define himself, and move towards the intended goal.