It's worth starting with the question that follows from the title - do teenagers read at all? Interest in fiction among schoolchildren has recently been falling at an extraordinary rate. However, the reading guys have always been and remain. Another question is how to define the scope of adolescence. Increasingly, teachers say that a modern child at the age of 10 can be called a teenager, but it is almost impossible to determine the upper limit. And yet, it is possible to make some list.

Adolescence is a period of rebellion, one way or another. Therefore, it is rare to find a teenager who adores reading a list of literature for the summer. According to numerous polls among schoolchildren, fantasy is the favorite literature of children. The most diverse - Russian, foreign, different authors. For many years, John Tolkien has remained the favorite among teenage writers, only JK Rowling and her series of books about Harry Potter can compete with him. In addition, the guys actively read The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Lewis and Eragon by Christopher Paolini. Of the Russian authors, the guys prefer Sergei Lukyanenko, Nik Perumov and Dmitry Yemets. By the way, the interest in the fantastic literature of the Strugatsky brothers also continues unabated.
By the way, it is worth noting the interest of teenagers in the series of books by Stephenie Myers "Twilight". Young girls love these books.
The interest of adolescents in science fiction and fantasy is explained by the desire to escape into another reality from the daily problems and difficulties faced by all adolescents, without exception. However, the interest of adults in such literature is easily explained by the same, and adolescents, in general, are already adults.
Teenagers love the mainstream, they love what is fashionable, which is why they love modern journalism so much. Sergey Minaev and his “Duhless”, Oksana Robski and her “Casual” - it seems to young people that, plunging into the world described by these authors, they come into contact with real life, which is very close, which awaits them soon.
Detective stories and horror are another vast space that teens are interested in. Moreover, detectives can be very different, from Edgar Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle to the numerous works of Daria Dontsova. Detectives, like any logical riddles, have always been of interest to young people. As for horror, the uncrowned king of horrors, Stephen King, is consistently holding the first place in the ranking.
And yet teenagers read the classics. It is another matter that it is not the list of obligatory literature that pushes them to do this, but the recommendations of friends and, fortunately, programs to popularize culture that are being implemented in different cities. Reading classics is becoming fashionable. For the first time taking books by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Stendhal, Balzac in their hands, schoolchildren suddenly realize for themselves that the classics can be interesting. The most widely read classical works among teenagers are “A Hero of Our Time” by M. Yu. Lermontov, "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostevsky, "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev.