How To Find Your Love On The Internet And In Reality

How To Find Your Love On The Internet And In Reality
How To Find Your Love On The Internet And In Reality

The easiest way seems to be dating sites. However, the chance to meet your betrothed and loved one there is very low. Under the guise of a quite decent person, a libertine eager for one-time meetings, a gigolo, or simply not the one he claims to be, may be hiding. The latter type has been on dating sites for years, constantly "raising" his page so that as many women as possible come to him. They post photos in front of expensive foreign cars, cottages, in resorts. It is interesting to communicate with them, but beyond communication "online" he is not interested in anything. Refuses real meetings for various reasons. You can communicate with such a "decent and interesting person" for months, but in reality you will never meet. One or two weeks for communication on a dating site is enough to understand whether you are interested in a person and would like to see him in reality to continue dating. If there is not even a hint of a desire to meet or "dodge" from it, then refuse to communicate with such a person. Just waste your time, and you could already be sitting in a cafe or walking with a pleasant and absolutely real man.

How to find your love on the Internet and in reality
How to find your love on the Internet and in reality

Modern psychologists and people on forums, thematic sites and blogs advise getting to know a guy in an environment that does not hint at creating a relationship or getting married. This is not to frighten off a man with an open interest in this area. You can meet your love in a general or specialized store related to some hobby of a potential husband, as well as in interest clubs - weapons, martial arts, automobiles, etc. Following this advice, girls and women, without really understanding the matter, rush to the forums, sites corresponding to the hobby, register in sections, clubs, participate in hikes, quests and much more, which is not at all interesting and not understandable to the girl herself. Such husband-seekers are quickly identified and ridiculed. Therefore, it is worth resorting to the method of searching for love by interests only if you yourself are fond of something, are well versed in this and are looking for a partner with similar interests.

The fastest and best way to find love is to be as open and sociable as possible with your friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Good relationships and frequent meetings with them are the best source of potential meetings with your betrothed. Your friends will give you the most positive reviews for the men around them and will generate interest in you long before you meet. Learn to be friends and make good friendships. Expand your circle of acquaintances and friends.

Perhaps your life partner is very close, but you do not notice. You need to look around: who lives near you, who walks in the same yard as you, who walks with the dog, who is in your neighbors. It is always easier for neighbors to start communication and make an acquaintance.