The twenty-fifth frame is one of the most curious and ridiculous myths of the twentieth century. The effectiveness of this technique was refuted in the early sixties, but there are still people who believe in this "miracle technique".

Genius or con man?
At the end of 1957, a certain James Vaikari invited reporters from leading publications to a little-known film studio and showed them a short film, claiming that it contained a message to the subconscious. He said that he conducted a number of serious studies that proved that the technique of the twenty-fifth frame can make any people buy certain items, thanks to the effect on the subconscious. According to him, he conducted experiments on fifty thousand people for six weeks. James Vikari managed to deceive a huge number of people with his calculations. He conducted experiments at the request of those who wanted, none of them were successful, but Vaikari found new excuses explaining why the experiment did not work. In 1962, he admitted that the twenty-fifth frame effect was invented by him in order to get money from advertising companies. Then he said that all the results of the experiments were fabricated by him.
Surprisingly, after five years of unsuccessful experiments, rumors about this technique spread throughout the world, so that it became a kind of "horror".
Operating principle
The idea is that a person cannot distinguish more than twenty-four frames per second, so any foreign frame "twenty-fifth", bypassing consciousness, addresses directly to the subconscious. (In fact, it depends solely on the speed of movement of the objects displayed on the screen and the clarity of the edges of the frames. Several years ago, the famous director Peter Jackson made the film "The Hobbit" using technology that "fit" forty-eight frames in one second, and the human eye did a great job with the perception of this picture).
In fact, any information that enters the brain passes through the subconscious, and consciousness is connected to process the most important information. So the twenty-fifth frame is not hidden. The human eye manages to fix it too, so it is quite easy to see an extraneous frame. You can even manage to read a short word in twenty-fifths of a second, if this word is typed in large enough print and, in principle, is familiar to the viewer. Of course, there can be no talk of any "psychological" influence.
It should be noted that the American Psychological Association officially denied any hidden influence of the twenty-fifth frame on the human subconscious back in 1958. But the legend lives on.