Computers are in every home and you can't get away from them. Children, playing with their peers, communicating in school or kindergarten, brag to each other about who played which game, and who achieved what in the computer world. And we adults cannot prevent this in the same way as, without buying a computer for a child, forbidding, thereby taking care of his health, we can humiliate him in front of friends.

There are 4 common causes that are harmful to a child.
Many parents believe that the monitor produces radiation that is harmful to their baby. But current monitors, as has already been proven, do not emit anything like that. The only thing that the computer produces is the enormous voltage on the network. The system unit attracts a lot of dust and when the child gets up from the computer, you should wipe the table and at least the baby's face with a damp cloth or towel.
Position or posture
It is worth paying attention to the fact that when a child sits in front of the monitor, he slouched, be sure to watch his back. Remind him to sit up straight. Propping your chin with your hand is also common in many children and even adults. This causes a curvature of the spine, explain that over time he will also walk with skewed shoulders, being far from the monitor, if he does not obey and tries to sit upright.
Of course, this is one of the main factors. Do not allow to look at the monitor for a long time, set a certain time for games or study, otherwise visual acuity will decrease over time. A prerequisite, the child should not sit in front of the monitor in the dark, the lighting of his playing area is very important.
Psychic stress
Again, there must be dosage and control. Due to the fact that such entertainment appeared not so long ago, not everything has been thoroughly studied yet. But the games make the child strain not only his eyesight, but also strain, in general. A child does not have such a load in real life. It is not easy to relieve overwork or stress from the game. Take breaks and, of course, keep an eye on the meaningfulness of the games.
Seven rules for finding a child at the computer
1. If a child has impaired vision, in no case should you be at the computer without glasses.
2. Do gymnastics for the eyes, every half hour.
3. Observe the distance from the face to the monitor (50-70 cm)
4. Eliminate work at the computer in complete darkness.
5. Observe posture.
6. Monitor the positive content of games and programs.
7. After finishing, wash your face with cool water and wipe the table.