Love is one of the human feelings that brings not only joy, but also suffering. At the same time, people at all times want to love and be loved. But what if the person does not reciprocate the manifested feelings?

Step 1
Both men and women are acutely experienced with unrequited love. In such a situation, the stronger sex often "goes to the side", suffering in silence. As for the fairer sex, modern girls often resort to certain methods to please a man, attract his attention, "fall in love" with him. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it. Before you start acting, think carefully: can you build a strong relationship with this person, do you need him?
Step 2
So, if you decide to fall in love with a young man, show your “insecurity”. Representatives of the stronger sex have a particularly developed need to protect someone, and when he sees that a girl needs his strong shoulder, he cannot help but come to the rescue.
Step 3
Don't you know the young man? Try to fix it. Take a look around: are there any common friends in your environment. You can also start communication on social networks. Try to identify common themes and interests as you communicate. After a while, try to make an appointment.
Step 4
Change your clothing style: opt for delicate, soft fabrics. So, viscose and silk clothing allows you to create an image of a vulnerable, delicate, delicate nature, which needs attention and care.
Step 5
Ask him for help in any matter: in holding an event, in finding the necessary information for a thesis, etc. A joint activity can bring two even the most different people closer together.
Step 6
Don't bother the young man, especially if he is busy. Excessive attention on your part in this case can be perceived as an obsession.
Step 7
Be natural. Don't try to be perfect: a man should love you for who you are. Being open can help build warm, lasting relationships.
Step 8
As soon as you feel that the person is a little used to you, try to “disappear” for at least 1 day: do not call, do not write, do not date a man. If he is really in love, he will start calling you first!