Every girl at least once thought about how to leave a mark in the memory of a guy about her existence, but only a few succeed!

All guys like open girls who are able to answer or tell something interesting and exciting, so do not be silent with a guy, this is both repulsive and frightening! But also avoid awkward situations in which the young man cannot even put in a word! Find and feel the middle ground.
Feel confident and lead accordingly!

Another important point, more than half of the male population likes sports girls with a beautiful and fit body! So here's the incentive you need to take care of yourself. Believe me, everyone who is struck by the grace of your body and the accompanying luxurious radiant smile will turn around!
But do not overload the body with constant exhausting workouts. Do not overdo it, otherwise you will greatly regret this misconduct, abandoning classes completely.

When dealing with a guy, don't let yourself be too easily accessible! They are hunters by nature, and no one is interested in "dead" prey. Also, for your part, avoid talking about your sex life, is it really important and necessary for him?
Now you know a few features that will help you achieve your goal!