It is impossible to make someone love yourself. However, it is in your power to adjust your own behavior in such a way that you look more attractive in the eyes of the guy you like very much.

Step 1
First of all, you should pay attention to your own attitude towards yourself. Think about whether you value yourself enough as a person, whether you treat yourself with the proper respect. To arouse the love of a young person, you need to accept and develop your femininity. Remember, self-love and adequate self-esteem are important qualities for a girl who wants to arrange her personal life.
Step 2
Find harmony between body and soul. You should understand and feel yourself well. Then it will certainly be reflected in your behavior, and you will begin to attract more enthusiastic male looks. Self-satisfaction, the absence of internal conflicts and troubles distinguish the fair sex, who can easily arouse sympathy in a young man.
Step 3
Work on your appearance. Think about what can be improved and what can be emphasized. Doing this is worth not only to become more beautiful. Working on your body, face and hair gives you extra confidence in your own feminine charms. Therefore, it will be easier for you to evoke warm feelings in a member of the opposite sex.
Step 4
Watch your movements, intonations. Remember that most often men are repulsed by hysterical, capricious and tight-lipped girls. Make sure that your gait is free, gestures do not seem inappropriate and incomplete, and your posture is always straightforward. A graceful woman can count on the interest of young people.
Step 5
Develop your talents. Something has to make you stand out from other women in order for a handsome young man to notice you. Be yourself, you don't need to adapt to his interests and turn into another girl. Sooner or later, the truth will come out, and your chosen one will be disappointed. Better find out if you and your boyfriend have any common ground and focus on them.
Step 6
If you struck up an acquaintance and began a series of dates, try to show your best side. Be more interested in the life of a young man, he will be flattered. Talk about yourself quite frankly, then the guy will not think that you are hiding something. However, some understatement may intrigue a man, and he wants to continue the novel.
Step 7
Get rid of bad habits if you smoke or drink too much alcohol. With such a girl, a young man can spend some time. But if you want a serious relationship with a continuation, true love, it is better to give up these harmful and unfeminine addictions.
Step 8
Develop your relationship, but don't rush things. It's important to show your interest in your boyfriend, but don't give up too quickly. Unfortunately, your boyfriend may not appreciate your dedication and dedication in the early stages of your romance.