Experiment is one of the main research methods in psychology. It is possible to distinguish different types of experiments, depending on the method of carrying out, the result of the impact, the level of awareness.

Step 1
The laboratory experiment is carried out in specially created conditions. In an artificial environment, the experimenter is able to limit the influence of additional variables as much as possible. The subjects are exposed to only those isolated factors, the reaction to which is of interest to the researcher. These factors can be manipulated by tracking changes in responses.
Step 2
A researcher in a laboratory experiment takes an active position, exercises control and interacts with the subjects. It can also be directive. In laboratory experiments, special equipment is often used to reliably record changes in indicators. The disadvantage of a laboratory experiment is the difficulty in correlating its results with real life.
Step 3
The field experiment is carried out in vivo. The subjects are included in their normal living environment. The experimenter takes the passive position of an observer, if possible, does not interfere with the course of the experiment. Often the subjects are unaware of their participation in the research. This is necessary for them to behave in a natural and not socially desirable manner. The researcher has no control over the variables. This kind of experiment allows you to draw conclusions about the behavior of people in certain life situations.
Step 4
A formative or psychological-pedagogical experiment consists in providing a directed influence on the subject in order to form a certain skill. A very popular type of experiment in educational psychology. It should be conducted under the guidance of a qualified specialist, because the wrong exposure can lead to negative consequences for the subject. This or that psychological skill is developed under the influence of actions. For example, subjects are given tasks. The experimenter is actively involved in the process and exercises control.
Step 5
The ascertaining experiment is intended to confirm the presence of any phenomenon. In the course of such a study, the level of development of a particular property in the subjects is usually revealed. Very often the ascertaining experiment precedes the formative one. The experimenter receives the necessary data, and then works to improve the characteristics of interest. A pathopsychological experiment is carried out in order to study the mental processes and conditions of a person and to identify possible violations. This is done using specially developed techniques.