How To Get Over A Breakup With A Boyfriend

How To Get Over A Breakup With A Boyfriend
How To Get Over A Breakup With A Boyfriend

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After parting with your loved one, you must try to start a new stage in life (of course, more successful!), Without wasting time. Grieving is not our method! First of all, one should realize that life did not end with a break …

How to get over a breakup with a boyfriend
How to get over a breakup with a boyfriend


  • - desire to start a new life;
  • - willpower;
  • - self-love;
  • - support of others;
  • - interest in life in all its manifestations;
  • - refusal of revenge


Step 1

Don't tell yourself that you are no longer needed by anyone. Don't feel sorry for yourself! “The best, of course, is yet to come,” as the children's song says. Do you like your tired, sad, swollen and unpainted face now? Hardly. Make yourself attractive. If you like yourself, you will interest others as well.

Step 2

You should not repeat to yourself and discuss with others how bad and evil he is and how good and unhappy you are. Why live in the past? Yes, and people who have to listen to everything a hundred times, have mercy … Better shut up and let them speak. Perhaps they will give you good advice. And in general, you can learn a lot of new things that will be useful at the next stage of life - "the period without it" …

Step 3

Let the guy's things come across your eyes as little as possible. Ideally, throw them away. The SMS messages from him should be erased. And there is no need to be interested in the life of the “former” by going to his page on the social network.

Step 4

Don't expect the guy to realize he was wrong and rush back. Maybe he really realizes that you are the best, and decides to fix everything, but you don't need to think about it and even more so to hope and plan for such a development of events. Live your own life. Let it be so full and rich that even if the guy comes back, you will think a hundred times more whether to “accept” him back. By the way, if he "does not quite come back" (that is, he comes to you, not being sure whether he will be late), you should not use sex in the hope of restoring the relationship. And, of course, you shouldn't rush to the “former” at his first call. You can, of course, provide assistance, but not to the detriment of your interests.

Step 5

No need to blame the guy for everything and take revenge. Particularly ineffective is revenge in the form of sex with a friend of the "ex" … And in general, any sex "out of spite".

Step 6

Do not specifically look for a new young man - as an urgent replacement. Such a relationship will be unnatural and will bring disappointment to both you and him. If you do decide to date another guy, you can't rush between him and your ex. The ancients did not say in vain that one cannot enter the same river twice. Move forward!
